Workshop: Scores for moving with vibration and frequency with Joseph Lau
MON 3 MAR 2025, 7PM-9PM
Free to attend, 18yrs+
Join Joseph Lau as he facilitates a workshop sharing current movement, dance and choreographic practices utilised during research on his new work in development ‘Elephants’, including: vibration, frequency and embodied imagery as source of movement material, and developing scores from eco-stories.
Who this is for: This workshop is suitable for artists across all areas of practice with an interest in movement, performance and choreographic thinking.
About ‘Elephants’
‘Elephants’, is a new poetic performance documentary, conceived, directed and choreographed by Joseph Lau and produced by Project Auske. Centered on vibrations and frequencies, and with a focus on South East Asia, ‘Elephants’ is a contemplation on spiralling dialogues encompassing: the industrialised exploitation of resources; economies and communities they create; damage and loss; choice; the human species dependence on the earth’s complex ecosystem for survival; and sacrifice. It is a meditation on letting go. ‘Elephants’ is a multifaceted contemporary choreographic work created through immersive sound, video and performance.
‘Elephants’ is part of a larger research and development project for Project Auske that is supported by the following funders and partners.
Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England
This project is supported by: Company Chameleon / Liverpool East and South East Asian Network / Lowry / Lowry Centre for Advanced Training / MAD Dance House / MadeSC — a Sunshine Coast Council initiative / Movema / Dr Gunjan Sondhi, Open University / Pei Yee Tong / Studio1 / Stichting Modulus / 24 Hope Street / University of Salford
Image Credit
Photographer: Point Of View Photography