All Blood Runs Red

Here is more detailed information on the content of All Blood Runs Red to help inform you or those you are bringing with you to see the show.

We know that some audiences appreciate more detailed information about productions in order to make informed choices and to prepare themselves or members of their party including those with additional needs. Below is a breakdown for this performance listing specific content that may impact some audience members. This includes themes as well as technical triggers. Please be aware that some of our shows are new and in development and Content Warnings may be amended as the production develops.

Please note the information below may also contain spoilers which may impact your experience of the production.

Recommended for Ages: 12+

Thematic Triggers: Contains themes of racism and references to racist violence. Scenes featuring moments, descriptions and images of violence

Technical Triggers: Flashing imagery and lighting effects. Loud noises on occasion, including sudden bangs and gunshots

If there are specific technical or thematic triggers that you are concerned about, you can email our Box Office team on to find out more about our shows and what they contain.

If you would benefit from more specific information about emotive content and themes, please contact