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Lowry CAT Contemporary Dance Class

Thu 28 September - Thu 23 November

Lowry CAT Contemporary Dance Class

This event has passed

Lowry CAT Contemporary Dance Class

This is an energetic contemporary dance class that covers a number of techniques and creative explorations over the weeks. The classes are designed to suit a mix of abilities and can be accessed as drop-in or a whole course.

Led by [The Lowry Centre for Advanced Training] CAT dance artists, these workshops give an insight into how we train at The Lowry CAT.

Suitable for ages 10 – 16

What to wear: Comfortable clothing that allows participants to move freely and without risk to their modesty. This can be tracksuit/joggers and T-Shirt/top or a leotard/leggings if preferred. Please note that no footwear is required as participants will be bare-foot.

What to bring: Sufficient water for the hour session

If you wish to find out more about The Lowry CAT, visit our dance training page here.  Should you have any questions, or wish to discuss any Access requirements, please email

Photographer credit: Joel Chester Fildes