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The Lowry opens registration for their annual scheme that introduces under 5’s to theatre for free.

Today The Lowry has opened registration for their Our First Lowry scheme. The scheme runs annually and offers free and discounted theatre tickets to children under 5 and their parents/ guardians who reside in Salford and have not previously visited the theatre.
Our First Lowry is a year-long scheme during which those registered will receive three offers. The first offer has been confirmed as free tickets to What The Ladybird Heard on Tue 7 August.  This will then be followed by free or discounted tickets to a performance of Stickman in December and then a third show, yet to be confirmed, in Spring 2019.
Once the year-long scheme is complete members will graduate to the Our Lowry scheme and continue to receive discounted tickets to shows at The Lowry.
The venue’s Our First Lowry scheme launched in 2015 and aims to inspire a new generation of theatre goers.  Since its launch it has offered 3600 free or discounted tickets to nine different theatre performances and engaged with 561 Salford based families.
Julia Fawcett OBE, chief executive of The Lowry, said: “Our First Lowry is an incredible way of introducing the next generation to the magic of theatre. Experiencing the joy of live performance as a family is a wonderful way to make memories.
What The Ladybird Heard is a colour and engaging performance to open the scheme with and is a wonderful example of the high-quality theatre productions suitable for young children that we are able to offer across the year.”
To be part of the scheme for 2018/19 applications must be received by Mon 23 July 2018. To be eligible for the scheme applicants must be a resident in Salford and have never booked for a children’s show at The Lowry before.  Online registration can be found here.

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